About Us

Strategy Consultants for GTM, Branding, Digital Marketing & Business Development


TTF Consultants is a boutique strategy firm that helps businesses flourish and transition in the changing business environment. We specialize in the 360of go-to-market amidst the ongoing digital business transformation.

We help you penetrate your target market in the most optimised way possible; while ensuring that you maximise your value proposition as your management consulting partner. In a digital world, it is imperative for each business to build its own niche such that it identifies with its audience and satisfies the identified market needs.

We are a consulting firm who strategize market-entry, market expansion for clients while establishing a unique brand for each of them; and reach their desired markets via digital media marketing.

We offer a range of services like business strategy, marketing strategy, brand consulting, making a business plan, and execution plans for digital marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), content strategy and growth hacking.

We strongly subscribe to the available facts and are not afraid to tell our clients what they need to hear, which means we come up with equally brave answers to their problem,thereby creating winning strategies. We are an organisation of individuals built from different moulds but united by a common goal of creating growth businesses.

We work towards building lasting relations with our clients. TTF Consultants believes that each problem is unique and requires a customised approach and solution.

Business Transformation & Digital Transformation Strategy Consultancy


TTF Consultants is a business, strategy and a management consulting company which strives to create customized business solutions for its clients to help them overcome any business-related obstacles and/or business technology disruptors, thus enabling them to fly higher.

We approach and tackle these problems through the following strategy consultancy services –

At the core of TTF Consultants is our expertise in strategic management. We combine innovation and strategic thinking with in-depth industry knowledge to ensure that our clients continue to grow in a time of global volatility and technological disruption.
How do customers remember you? How can your company be an option on the list of a customer? This is where “Marketing” steps in. Our in-depth knowledge and industry wide experiences help to optimally charter a marketing strategy for companies; to optimally reach their customer base. Marketing is the means through which companies lure customers into noticing them and thereafter, recognizing and engaging with the company.
Every company is unique in its offerings. However, this can only be valued by customers if there is a brand identity attached to the company. A brand enables companies to tell their stories to their customers and create their own niche. We, at TTF, are passionate about brands. We believe that a brand must be carefully created and nurtured over the course of time. A “Brand” is a company asset that can be consistently leveraged.
Technology is fast reforming businesses. It is, therefore, imperative for businesses to adapt to technological changes and embrace digital transformation, which drive consumer demand.
A new era calls for new means and techniques. Digital Marketing is fast evolving. It enables companies to reach their target markets in optimised ways, that maximize visibility across prominent mediums.
Product development and enhancement is undertaken by businesses to meet the growing needs of their markets, whilst onboarding the most suited technologies to businesses.

Strategy Planning for Business | Brand Recognition | Digital Marketing | Sales


Strategy Consulting integrating strategy planning with implementation

Integrated Problem Solving

Successful businesses are created only when functions speak to each other and strategize together. We believe in integrated problem solving, without isolating problem statements within a set frame, in order to achieve an inclusive corporate strategy. This integrated approach creates a platform for exponential growth of business.

 Growth Oriented

Growth Oriented

Being growth consultants for our clients, we identify opportunities and strengths for optimal business creation and break away from any impediments that may curb our clients.



We are true to ourselves and our clients. We respect the trait of resourcefulness and thus, always deliver, whether it is a niche marketing campaign or a viral marketing content strategy.

Factual Representation

Factual Representation

Deceit is not a chapter in our workbook. We are candid with our clients. We tell them the facts as they are. TTF Consultants is built on a pedestal of integrity.



Change is the only constant in business. We are malleable and believe in moving with times. We integrate the same approach into our clients’ strategies.



Our relevance doesn’t simply imply existence; instead, it is associated with a winning mindset that creates business transformation strategies for our clients. This value helps us to stay ahead of the curve.

Business Management Consultants for Integrated Strategy Solutions


TTF enables you to identify your goals, market, and your value proposition.

TTF creates a strategy framework which optimises business execution.

TTF shows you the path to success and business growth.

TTF Consultants endeavours to bridge the gap between strategy and execution across businesses; by enabling a tight integration of the business strategy with brand, marketing & sales strategy.

We help revive stalled businesses and create & implement pragmatic and agile strategies in addition to robust global market entry plans, that expand in new geographies and/or markets. In addition to this, we optimize business models for our clients, to derive long term sustainable growth and value creation.

We amalgamate innovation and strategic thinking with profound industry knowledge to ensure that our clients sustain their growth trajectory by leveraging their brand, marketing & sales strategies, approaching an exponential curve of growth.

TTF strives to maximize a brand’s market penetration through a seamless integration of marketing strategy with a brand’s product positioning, derived from the company’s business strategy.

Ongoing Strategy Planning for Businesses for ongoing organic growth