Target. Tail. Fulfil.

TTF is boutique strategy firm that helps business to grow and transition amidst the changing business environment, to stay relevant.

Target. Tail. Fulfil.

Strategic management for optimized execution in business.

Target. Tail. Fulfil.

Success is derived from the ongoing evolution of business.

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TTF Consultants is a boutique strategy firm with a focus on Business Strategy, Brand Strategy, and Marketing & Sales Strategy for corporates and start-ups.

TTF Consultants specializes in developing and managing the 360 of Go-to-market strategy for businesses. TTF helps companies to reach their audience in the most optimized way while ensuring that they maximize the value proposition offered.

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Our Key


Business Strategy | Business Model Creation | Business Plan | GTM

Business Strategy

Got an idea but not sure about how to take it forward? Leave it to us. At TTF Consultants, our group of business strategy consultants, study the industry, your identified market and existing competitors to come up with a robust business strategy for your company.

Brand Strategy | Brand Management | Rebranding | Maximizing brand equity

Brand Strategy

A brand is an asset for every company. "Brand" helps the market to recognize an establishment for its unique proposition to address their needs.

Marketing Strategy | Digital Marketing | Content Marketing | SEO & SEM | Social Media Marketing

Marketing Strategy

Is your product an option for your target consumers? Marketing is your company's voice, to tell the world what you have to offer and why they should purchase it. Marketing is not sales; however, it does build up to sales creation.

Integrated Business Strategy | GTM | Brand | Digital Marketing | Sales

360 Management

New companies, new verticals or even new products often need more thought than just ideation and uniqueness.

TTF Consultants | Integrated strategy solutions for start-ups

TTF Conjoin

Our services have been combined into packages that help serve a particular goal for our clients. This is what we call our "TTF Conjoin" Solutions.